Mar 18Liked by Pricelis Dominguez

Hope-filled waiting, hand in hand with deep lamenting. It’s a lot. Your writing gives voice to lots of thoughts than can’t scramble together in my brain!

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Thanks for your response friend. Hope-filled indeed cause it’s all we’ve got sometimes! ❤️‍🩹

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Thank you for expressing what so many struggle to do. 4 of my brothers are Black Men. Tragedies like this are something that I have grown up being more than just vaguely aware of. As a big sister to Black boys who would and have grown to be Black Men, this fear is tangible for me. It's something I keep apprised on and I don't pretend that it's fake. I'm also from an area that has very negative interactions with the PD. They've had specialists come in because the PD has a reputation of being overly militant. Everyone I know is uncomfortable and scared of them. In a little town in VT, not the usual place one would think. I also have several friends and who are raising little boys with autism. I also have two nephews with autism. Little boys who will grow up and act differently than most people. I know they fear this exact thing happening to their sweet misunderstood sons. Gardening in your yard shouldn't be a threat. Walking down a sidewalk or sleeping in your bed shouldn't be a threat. Existing shouldn't be a threat. I am praying for this family and community. Imago Dei needs to mean something again.

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“Imago dei needs to mean something again” sheesh! Amen to that. Thanks for sharing this. I’m a mom to a black boy with autism so i certainly feel all of this in close and heavy and enraging ways. And fearing PD in itself is a problem that must change. May it be so in Jesus name!

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Mar 23Liked by Pricelis Dominguez

Amen! My BIL is feeling called to join the PD because he says as a believer it's his responsibility to put himself in places where he can make a difference. But he doesn't mean with people outside of the PD, he and my husband both are very frustrated with how authority is abused and they're both pursuing careers in law enforcement so they can start making changes from within.

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That's a bold and noble path for them!

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I agree!

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I was very triggered by this death. Reminded me of Jordan Neely for a second. This is very much a race and disability issue. Having my own disability and experience with episodes, I know firsthand how ill equipped society is when it comes to supporting people with disabilities. Add melanin to that and you have quite the scene. I appreciate you writing about this and the Bible verses you included for those of us who are weary 🩷 a good reminder to not feel defeated.

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our beloved jordan neely :/ yes. The ill equipping shows deep evidence of trying to erase or forget people of Color and disability and that enrages me. And I'm glad to hear these Bible verses could help you remember to not feel defeated. It's hard in the day to day but we cling on hope to keep going.

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This is beautiful and heartbreaking. I am sick and tired of our systems being so broken that children can be killed becasue they are neurodiverse and/or because they were born in a skin that someone so long ago determined was not worthy. It is malpractice that these events continue to happen. Thank you for writing about it Pri. I'm so sorry for so much grief and loss around situations that make no sense. We can do better.

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Adi, thank you for your words and taking the time to read this. And thank you for your encouragement. It's truly consistently devastating. Not sure what I would do if I didn't hope in Jesus and knew the end of the story.

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